New Features (Version 6.7)
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In this section, we will present you the additional features that are added into the latest BursaStation Professional V6.7 release.

1.   New channel for Gold Futures (FGLD)

For investors who are interest in Gold Futures, a new dedicated channel is now available for you to identify the active counters at a glance.


2.   Channel selection in Intraday Market Ticker

With the channel selection in Intraday Market Ticker, you can now monitor the significant trades targeted to a specific channels or your portfolio. This allows you to quickly identify large movements in your monitored counters if the channel is set to your portfolio.


3.   Transaction grouping in Portfolio

With the enhanced transaction grouping available in the portfolio, you can now group the transactions according to your preferences by giving a group name and assign the transaction to it. In this way, you can easily monitor your transaction based on grouping like brokers, long term or short term counters.


4.   Support new functions in Dynamic TA Chart Formula Editor

New functions (ROUND, FLOOR, CEIL, IF_PREV) are added to allow you to add in new script formula to cater to your various technical analysis.