Price Spread Calculator
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Opening the Price Spread Calculator

Right click on the preferred counter and select Price Spread Calculator. (See also Opening the Stock Database Menu)


The Price Spread Calculator shows instantaneously the profit/loss on different price levels based on your buy price or the last done price.

To edit the costs:
1.   Change the selected value on the Edit Costs.
2.   Select your desired Broker. (See Also: Broker's Setting)
3.   Click Apply.
4.   The table below will display the results.
5.   To increase/decrease the displayed price spread, change the selection for Price Spread.

Setting Stop Loss Alert


•    Select a stop loss sell price
•    Click on the Stop loss button.
•    An alert dialog will pop up to allow you to set the alert at the selected price. (See also Add an Alert)

Setting Take Profit Alert


•    Select a take profit sell price
•    Click on the Take Profit button.
•    An alert dialog will pop up to allow you to set the alert at the selected price. (See also Add an Alert)